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view post Posted on 29/5/2013, 06:45 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza

How far have developing countries addressed the Disabled Persons problems? Expectedly, the more prosperous ‘tiger’ and ‘dragon’ economies, followed by the ‘emerging markets’, have appreciably addressed the problem in one way or another.

Differential access to services by marginal sectors do vary across the diverse developing countries. Those countries emerging from the dark years of Stalinism, notably the Central Asian societies, do lag behind in the ‘affirmative action’ policies for disabled persons for instance.

In the Philippines, it took the audacity of one known journalist to establish a party list group that will represent the Disabled Persons, as a legistative way of fast-tracking fiats that benefit the sector. This journalist, Art Borjal, is himself a DP, being a paraplegic, and the laws he initiated in Congress during his victorious incumbency as party list legislator, still stand till these days as precedent-setting innovations.

Below is an interesting human interest story about the DPs of Turkmenistan. Once a colony of imperial Russia, Turkmenistan was forcibly integrated into the Soviet Union by the Bolsheviks. It gained its independence upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

[Manila, 25 May 2013]

Source: http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/o...ve-forward.html
Turkmenistan: Helping people with disabilities move forward
Yuriy Kulik might have remained unemployed, relegated to the fringes of society in Turkmenistan. After losing his sight as a teenager, he could not find a job that would accommodate his disability.
But in 2005, Kulik took part in an intensive course that taught him how to adapt without his sight. It taught him how to read and write in braille, and gave him the skills to become a professional masseur.
• From 2005 to 2009, the programme trained more than 220 visually- and hearing-impaired individuals.
• 80 percent of graduates of the Deaf and Blind Society of Turkmenistan’s work-training programme have found jobs.
• Salaries for garment-factory workers tripled after training.
• Between 2009 and 2012, 10 graduates of the rehabilitation programme have helped retrain approximately 50 visually impaired individuals in all five provinces of Turkmenistan.
“I am happy that I can help people,” says Kulik, adding that the course helped him regain his confidence.
The course he took, offered by the Deaf and Blind Society of Turkmenistan (DBS) with the support of the United Nations Development Programme, teaches people with disabilities basic literacy and ...

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view post Posted on 26/5/2013, 08:44 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Source: www.oldandsold.com/articles29/mythology-12.shtml
This more wide-spread class assumes the existence of a sky-world or upper realm, and of a primeval sea below it in which or on which the world is made. We may begin with the out-line of a myth 'told in Minahassa which is a variant off the one just given. According to this form, in the beginning there were only the sea and a great rock which was washed by the waves, and which, after first giving birth to a crane, sweated, from the sweat being produced a female deity called Lumimu-ut. Advised by the crane of the existence of the "original land," she got from thence two handfuls of earth which she spread upon the rock, and so she created the world, on which she planted the seeds of all plants and trees, obtaining them from the same "original land." 10 Having thus made the earth, Lumimu-ut ascended a mountain, where the west wind blew upon her and made her fruitful. In due time she bore a son, and when he had grown to manhood his mother advised him to seek a wife, but though he sought far and wide, he could find none. So Lumirnu-ut gave him a staff, whose length was equal to her own stature, bidding him to seek for a woman who should be less tall than the staff, and telling him that when he should find such a person he would know that she was the one he was destined to marry. Mother and son then separated, one going to the right and one to the left, and travelled around the whole world until at last they met again, without recognizing each other, and lo! when he set the staff beside her, its length was greater than her stature, for without his knowledge the rod had increased in height. Believing, therefore, that the woman, who was indeed his own mother, was she of whom he had been told, he married her, and she bore him many children who became gods. This form of myth does not, indeed, directly refer to the sky-world, but speaks of the "original land" from which Lumimu-ut obtained earth and seeds for the construction of the world. It is interesting to compare the incident of the birth of Lumimu-ut from the rock, which alone broke the surface of the primeval sea, with the Tongan and Samoan 12 myths of the origin of the first beings and of the world from a stone which split open; and a similar idea also occurs in Melanesia. Perhaps more characteristic of this type of origin-myths are the legends of the Kayan, Kenyah, and Bahau of central Borneo. According to the Kayan, originally there was nothing but the primeval sea and over-arching sky; but from the heavens there fell into the sea a great rock, upon whose barren surface, in course of time, slime collected, from whic...

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view post Posted on 21/5/2013, 06:14 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza

A gladdening news from Africa concerns the 3ADI or African Agrigusiness and Agro-industry Development Initiative. The African Union, FAO and UNIDO are collaborating together to jettison the 3ADI.

Arranging food security measures along the value chain has been a very challenging task for Africa as a whole. Poverty and famine stoke the continent or vast parts of it, added to other disasters of geological and atmospheric disturbances.

Such a seemingly bleak situation for food insecurity, poverty, and ecological disharmonics can still be reversed to end vicious cycles of deaths and deplorable living conditions. With the collaborating institutions at the helm of 3ADI, the clout for putting a productive agenda into practice is greatly enhanced.

Below is a brief report on the 3ADI from the UNIDO.

Source: www.unido.org/index.php?id=1001681
The African Agribusiness and Agro-industry Development Initiative (3ADI)
The goal of the 3ADI is to have an agriculture sector in Africa which consists of highly productive and profitable agricultural value chains.

To accelerate the development of the agribusiness and agro-industries sectors in Africa, 3ADI supports an investment programme that will significantly increase the proportion of agricultural produce in Africa that is transformed into differentiated high-value products.

The initiative highlights the critical role of agribusinesses in the process of economic development, food security and sustainable reduction of poverty and hunger especially for the world’s poorest countries.

It also defines priority areas where support is needed to foster sustained poverty reduction through human capital development, highly productive and profitable agro-value chains and greater agribusiness participation in domestic and international markets.

The 3ADI stems from the Abuja Declaration, passed at the end of the Abuja Conference, organized by the African Union Council (AUC) on March 2011. The declaration calls upon UNIDO, in cooperation with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) to join efforts in a well coordinated way, in order to share knowledge and harmonize programmes in ways that capture synergies, avoid fragmented efforts, and enhance developmental impacts.

Comments: 0 | Views: 27Last Post by: Erle (21/5/2013, 06:14)

view post Posted on 21/5/2013, 03:13 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Source: www.oldandsold.com/articles29/mythology-12.shtml
Although the existence of the earth is postulated in Minahassa, in the extreme north-east of Celebes, we find an origin given for some of the gods and for mankind.' In the beginning the wind blew over the sea, and raising great waves, drove upon the shore the spume which their beating caused, the mass of foam being in the shape of an egg. The sun shone upon this, and from it was born a boy, who grew miraculously. One day, as he wandered along the shore, he saw a girl sitting upon a rock from which she had just been born, and taking her to wife, he thus became the parent of mankind. This and the preceding type, in which the cosmogonic element was wholly lacking, are, however, not common in Indonesia, and it is only when we turn to the next category that we find one current over large areas.

The narrative refers to the emergence or evolution of humans and related life-forms on Terra. The occult term for human evolution is anthropogenesis (see HP Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, Vols. 1 & 2).

Wind is signifier for the Life-Force, without which life in the lower domains can’t be possible. The ‘wind blowing the sea’ points out to the water domain of the astral plane—signified by ‘sea’ or water element—as the first location for creating early humans.

The ‘mass of foam in the shape of an egg’ is signifies the etheric cum astral bodies of the first humans, rendering proto-Terrans as shadowy, etheric, blobs of Light in looks. Exactly what Divine Wisdom or Theos Sophia had revealed in anthropogenesis.

Pangean ‘root-races’, two in all, up through the mid-Lemurians, were asexual in borning Terrans. Early Lemurians were ‘sweat-born’ or ‘egg-born’, which is revealed by the signifier ‘egg’ in the narrative.

The man meeting the woman signifies the coming of the sexes, during the mid-Lemurian epoch. Mid-Lemurian means the 4th sub-race among 7 sub-races. This part of the narrative is equivalent to the coming of Eve, who was created from the ‘rib of Adam’, the ‘rib’ signifying the etheric ‘double’ of the early Adam Kadmon humans.

[Philippines, 20 June 2011]


PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com

http://erlefraynebrightworld.wordpress.com, http://cosmicbuhay.blogspot.com, http://kathapantas.blogdri...

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view post Posted on 17/5/2013, 13:37 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Source: www.oldandsold.com/articles29/mythology-12.shtml
A more circumstantial myth is recorded from the Kei Islands in the extreme south-east of the Indonesian area. According to this tale, there were three brothers and two sisters in the upper sky-world. While fishing one day, Parpara, the youngest of the brothers, lost a fish-hook which he had borrowed from Hian, his oldest brother, who, angered by the loss of the hook, demanded that it be found and returned to him. After much fruitless search, the culprit met a fish who asked him what his trouble was, and who, on learning the facts, promised to aid in the search, at length discovering another fish who was very ill because of something stuck in its throat. The object proved to be the long-lost hook, which the friendly fish delivered to Parpara, who thus was able to, restore it to its owner. Parpara, however, determined to have his revenge upon his brother, and so he secretly fastened a bamboo vessel full of palm liquor above Hian's bed in such a way that when the latter rose, he would be almost certain to upset it. The expected happened, and Parpara then demanded of his brother that he return to him the spilled liquor. Hian endeavoured, of course fruitlessly, to gather it up, and in his efforts dug so deeply into the ground that he made an opening clear through the sky-world. Wondering what might lie below, the brothers determined to tie one of their dogs to a long rope and lower him through the aperture; and when they had done this, and the dog had been drawn up again, they found white sand sticking to his feet, whereupon they resolved to go down themselves, although the other inhabitants of the heaven-world refused to accompany them thither. Sliding down the rope, the three brothers and one of the sisters, together with their four dogs, safely reached the world which lay below, and which was thus discovered for the first time. As the second sister was descending, however, one of the brothers chanced to look up, at which his sister was so ashamed that she shook the rope and was hauled up by the other sky-people. In this way the three brothers with their sister were the first occupants of the world and became the ancestors of the human race.

The Sky-world is signifier for the spiritual dimensions. This narrative reveals the preparations made in the said dimensions to check out on the new planet Terra at the edge of the Milky Way that seemed ready to support life.

3 Brothers and 2 Sisters refer to beings in the spiritual domains, notably creator beings, who could have been ready to check out on new planet. ‘Sliding down the rope’ reve...

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view post Posted on 17/5/2013, 13:16 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Disaster risk has been receiving intensive attention among various stakeholders across the planet. It looks like Asia’s own stakeholders have been at the forefront of disaster risk management, from risk assessment through actual interventions as crisis response measures.

Disaster mitigation may work with certain degrees of certainty, which policy makers and development institutions should buttress with greater efforts. Region per region assessments of geohazards and atmospheric disturbances in any one country should be the norm, with attendant policy and executory measures strictly implemented.

The last ten (10) years have seen horrific disasters in the whole of Asia, disasters that are close to continental catastrophe when integrated to form a complex reality matrix. To say the least, people’s reactions to them have been markedly traumatic, so that whenever they would receive news of powerful storms of tsunami nearby they cower in fear.

Are we indeed close to a ‘continental catastrophe’ for Asia, in case that the term may make sense at all? Below is a summary report from the Asian Development Bank about the disaster risk situation in Asia.

[Manila, 15 May 2013]

Source: www.adb.org/features/disaster-risk-management-asia-numbers
Disaster Risk Management in Asia by the Numbers
24 April 2013
Research shows Asia and the Pacific is more vulnerable to natural hazards than other parts of the world. The growing frequency of disasters, such as devastating floods or earthquakes, could derail the region's economic growth and poverty reduction efforts unless measures are put in place to reduce disaster risk and improve preparedness.
1.1 deaths per 1,000 square kilometers: From 1971 to 2010, the average annual death rate from natural hazards in Asia and the Pacific was double the global average of 0.5.
Source: ADB publication Investing in Resilience: Ensuring a Disaster-Resistant Future
50%: Asia accounts for half of the world's estimated economic cost of disasters over the past 20 years.
Source: Independent Evaluation report Special Evaluation Study on ADB's Response to Natural Disasters and Disaster Risks
More than $19 billion: The losses that the region of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is estimated to incur from disasters every 100 years on average.
Source: A presentation during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) Regional Expert Meeting on Loss and Damage in 2012, cited in an Independent Evaluation report Special Evaluation Study on ADB's Response to Natural Disasters and Disaster Risks
Less than 5%: Disaster losses in dev...

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view post Posted on 14/5/2013, 10:43 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Source: www.oldandsold.com/articles29/mythology-12.shtml
Some of the tribes in Celebes are also characterized by the absence of any myths referring to the creation of the world or of the gods, though they are unlike the type to which reference has just been made in that they have tales which account for the origin of mankind. The Bugi and the people of Makassar in the south-western part of the island state that in the beginning the son of the sky-deity was sent down to earth on the rainbow that he might organize and prepare the world for mankind. This task accomplished, he took to wife six female deities, three of whom had descended with him from the sky-world, and three of whom were derived from the earth or from the underworld, and thus he became the ancestor of all mankind.

Sky-deity refers to the Supreme Being, the One Universal Principle, or Almighty Providence, from whose Being emanated all life forms in the cosmos.

The ‘son of the sky-deity’ is no other than the creator deities, who were all fathered by the Supreme Being and achieved perfection in previous Manvantaras yet, referred collectively in the singular ‘son’. The ascended beings also go by that collective term, even as we who are in the lower dimensions must one day fulfill our ‘sonship’.

‘Sent down to earth on a rainbow’ refers to the descent of Light beings across the 7 Dimensions or planes. The rainbow has 7 spectra of colors, each one thus representing a dimension or plane. From the monadic (7th plane), down to the Buddhic (6th plane), then down to the nirvanic (5th plane), then down to the causal (4th plane), then down to the mental (3rd plane), then down to the astral (2nd plane), and finally down to the physical-etheric (1st plane).

‘He took to wife six female deities’ signifies the involvement of six planetary logoi added to main logos of Terra—Ancient of Days—to comprise 7 male deities, each one of whom had a female Twinflame deity. Ancient of Days arrived on Earth with 6 other logoi, and they came en-route from Venus prior to descent to Earth.

‘Three of whom had descended with him from the sky-world’ signifies the descent to the Etheric plane by Sanat Kumara and three (3) other planetary logoi, as the three (3) others returned to Venus. Lady Venus, by the way, is the Twinflame of Sanat Kumara, and is rightfully our Mother.

[Philippines, 20 June 2011]


PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com


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view post Posted on 12/5/2013, 02:55 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Source: www.oldandsold.com/articles29/mythology-12.shtml
In the Polynesian area one of the most characteristic and interesting types of cosmogonic myths was that which explained the origin of the universe as due to a sort of evolutionary development from an original chaos or nothingness; and, at least in central Polynesia, this assumed a genealogical form. This evolutionary genealogical type of origin-myths seems, so far as available material goes, to be lacking in Indonesia, except in one very restricted region, the island of Nias, lying off the western coast of Sumatra. According to myths from this island, there was in the beginning only darkness and fog, which condensed and brought forth a being with-out speech or motion, without head, arms, or legs; and in its turn this being gave existence to another, who died, and from whose heart sprang a tree which bore three sets of three buds. From the first two sets six beings were produced, two of whom made from the third set of buds a man and a woman—the ancestors of mankind. The several variants of the myth differ in details, but all agree in tracing the origin of things to a primeval chaos, from which after several generations was developed a tree that in turn gave rise to gods and men. Although lacking the details and development found in Polynesia, these Nias myths seem to show the same fundamental conception.

The Polynesian cosmogonic myth suggests first of all the notion of a forward movement, not necessarily linear though genealogical in model.

The reality of the void at the beginning of the Manvantara—great cycle of life—is revealed. A formless Supreme Being, the One Universal Principle is outrightly indicated. Not only that, there is also the notion of the pre-human forms, in higher dimension, as being one “without head, arms or legs”—meaning, they were of spiritual and etheric constitution.

Those higher dimension beings, upon their descent to the lower spheres, of high compassion mode (“whose heart sprang a tree”), were the precursors to the etheric form of Pangean races. From the Pangean to the Lemurian, from the asexually birthing to the sexually birthing humans, three ‘root races’ have come to pass as Divine Wisdom or Theos Sophia revealed.
The number 3 is of course the Upper Triune that was embedded in the Polynesian collective mind and genes. A legacy of ancient Mu whose direct remnants were indeed the Polynesians.

[Philippines, 20 June 2011]


PROF. ERLE FRAYNE ARGONZA WEBSITE: http://erleargonza.com


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view post Posted on 10/5/2013, 02:21 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza

In my succeeding notes I will delve on the matter of cosmogony as contained in ASEAN myths, which is a synthesis of the objective world of cosmos and the subjective worlds of sentient beings. Before I proceed to those note presentations, let me articulate briefly the archetypal images in the cosmogony.

Essentially, three (3) archetypal images are observed across the diverse ethnicities and cultures: sky, sea, earth. The complexity of the cosmos and subjective worlds was attempted to be encapsulated in these archetypal images. Betwixt sky, sea, earth is the intermediary archetype of wind, the flowing or convection of which sort of meshes up the former 3. So that’s a 3 + 1 sort of formula all in all.

Do note that the ancient peoples of the region went through a long dormancy of high knowledge and high culture in the aftermath of the sinking of Poseidonis which triggered global submarine explosions that, in turn, ended the last Ice Age. The melting waters from glaciers, poles, and related glacial formations caused a Deluge and obliterated knowledge and epistemes (knowledge-building modes) of the ancients.

The knowledge, truths and wisdom were to survive through oral modalities of conservation and heritage, out of which evolved the folklore: myths, legends, puzzles, idioms, related forms. Divine wisdom flowed openly to the ancient peoples, but after the Deluge just the few Initiated Ones, notably the shamanic-priestly caste, obtained access to high wisdom.

Out of such preserved embeds of wisdom came the archetypes of sky, sea, earth. The embedded codes are surely tough nuts to crack, but let us try to decode those tough stuff just the same.

Divine wisdom reveals that both the objective and subjective domains of reality were emanations from the One Universal Principle or Supreme Deity, done upon the Out-breath phase of the Manvantara or great cycle of life. From out of that process evolved the 7th, 6th and 5th planes, which constitute the spiritual planes. Such ontological domains would roughly be the equivalent of the ‘sky’ archetype in ASEAN cosmogony.

From the spiritual dimensions the cosmic element of ether was to descend downwards, to aid in the formation of all the other elements. The possibility for emanating objective, material domains was then increased, thus creating the 4th, 3rd and 2nd planes. Altogether, the 4th and 3rd planes are the equivalent of the ‘wind’ archetype, while the 2nd plane corresponds to the ‘sea’ archetype.

The final, most dense form of domain, the physical or 1st plane, was the last. The ‘earth’ archetype corresponds to this domain. In the last instance, humans, plants, animals were created in this domain, which is what the ancient Malayans-...

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view post Posted on 10/5/2013, 02:17 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Divine wisdom or Theos Sophia articulated well about the Supreme Deity or the One Universal Principle. The Supreme Being has the Unmanifest and Manifest aspects, and we can know only the Manifest aspect of that omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Being.

Southeast Asians are not wanting in knowledge of the Supreme Deity, both the Manifest and Unmanifest facets of the Godhead. Below is a summary of deities in Malayan myths.

Source: www.answers.com/topic/indonesian-and-malaysian-divinities

Among the many indigenous peoples in Indonesia and Malaysia there are several examples of dual gods and sometimes of trinities. In Sumatra, the Toba Batak see the Absolute Mula Jadi na Bolon as three persons representing the upper, middle, and lower worlds. In Nias there is a two-person divinity representing the dual nature of the universe—good and evil, light and dark. For the Ngaju people of Borneo, Jata is the feminine side of a dual godhead. She represents the lower world and the moon. Mahatala, the male aspect, is the upper world and the sun. Together Jata and Mahatala form the Absolute Tambon Haruei Bungai (see Southeast Asian entries)

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/indonesian-an...s#ixzz1qvNBoTbl


A further reflection on such Beings reveal the three generic domains of Spiritual (upper), Mental (middle), and Physical-Astral (lower) domains. As one studies the myths across the ASEAN, one would encounter such division of domains, which is indicative of the grasp of occult knowledge by the ancient Lemuro-Atlanteans from whom the Malays and IndoMongolians came from.

Note the Absolute Tambon Haruei Bungai, for instance. The Absolute is of course no other than Supreme Deity, with both Feminine and Masculine aspects represented. In the Malayan version, Mahatala is the male aspect while Jata is the feminine side. The Absolute already contains both manifest and unmanifest aspects as per inductive indications.

Jata representing the lower world (material/physical) and the Moon also indicate the ancient knowledge of the Lunar ‘Fathers’ (creator deities) who hastened the creation of the first root races of humanity. Mahatala as representing the upper world and the Sun, indicates the ancient people’s knowledge of the Solar ‘Fathers’ (creator deities) who helped to breed and accelerate the evolution of humanity after the episode of Lunar creator deities’ involvement.

[Philippines, 16 June 2011]


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