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view post Posted on 17/5/2013, 13:37 by: ErleReply

Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Source: www.oldandsold.com/articles29/mythology-12.shtml
A more circumstantial myth is recorded from the Kei Islands in the extreme south-east of the Indonesian area. According to this tale, there were three brothers and two sisters in the upper sky-world. While fishing one day, Parpara, the youngest of the brothers, lost a fish-hook which he had borrowed from Hian, his oldest brother, who, angered by the loss of the hook, demanded that it be found and returned to him. After much fruitless search, the culprit met a fish who asked him what his trouble was, and who, on learning the facts, promised to aid in the search, at length discovering another fish who was very ill because of something stuck in its throat. The object proved to be the long-lost hook, which the friendly fish delivered to Parpara, who thus was able to, restore it to its owner. Parpara, however, determined to have his revenge upon his brother, and so he secretly fastened a bamboo vessel full of palm liquor above Hian's bed in such a way that when the latter rose, he would be almost certain to upset it. The expected happened, and Parpara then demanded of his brother that he return to him the spilled liquor. Hian endeavoured, of course fruitlessly, to gather it up, and in his efforts dug so deeply into the ground that he made an opening clear through the sky-world. Wondering what might lie below, the brothers determined to tie one of their dogs to a long rope and lower him through the aperture; and when they had done this, and the dog had been drawn up again, they found white sand sticking to his feet, whereupon they resolved to go down themselves, although the other inhabitants of the heaven-world refused to accompany them thither. Sliding down the rope, the three brothers and one of the sisters, together with their four dogs, safely reached the world which lay below, and which was thus discovered for the first time. As the second sister was descending, however, one of the brothers chanced to look up, at which his sister was so ashamed that she shook the rope and was hauled up by the other sky-people. In this way the three brothers with their sister were the first occupants of the world and became the ancestors of the human race.

The Sky-world is signifier for the spiritual dimensions. This narrative reveals the preparations made in the said dimensions to check out on the new planet Terra at the edge of the Milky Way that seemed ready to support life.

3 Brothers and 2 Sisters refer to beings in the spiritual domains, notably creator beings, who could have been ready to check out on new planet. ‘Sliding down the rope’ reve...

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view post Posted on 4/5/2013, 09:54 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Guru Ra


Values education is of fundamental import in awareness-raising and human formation anchorage. It is important too that values are made to work for those imbued with it, for the powerlessness to assert values make people less human.

There are many entry points to values education, which renders values formation an open field for the exercise of creative imagination and ingenuity. One of these entry points is folklore. Among the showcases for the region is that of Brunei, which I will echo in this note.

As argued by me in previous writings, folklore is a depository of ancient wisdom in Southeast Asia. I would hasten to add the Polynesians as manifesting also such a deep embeddedness of ancient or divine wisdom in their folklore. Values are part of the practical domains for divine wisdom, as it is in values where virtues (dharma) are made to work in demonstrative ways.

Below is a news briefer of the Brunei efforts.

[Philippines, 16 June 2011]
Source: http://bruneitimes.com.bn/news-national/20...rough-folktales
Promoting values through folktales
Friday, January 28, 2011
ANTHOLOGIES of local folk tales should be published to promote Brunei stories as such books are found to be lacking in many Asian countries, with the exception of Japan, said an expert.

Dr Chu Keong Lee, a lecturer from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore made this suggestion when he presented his working paper "Promoting values using folk tales from Brunei" during the last day of the Brunei Information Resource Collection Symposium at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

Local folklore are well worth promoting and libraries are the organisation most well-placed to promote them, said Dr Chu.

Additionally, governments can play a part in ensuring that local schools purchase a specific number of books for their students to encourage publishers to print local stories.

"Stories play an important role in the transmission of culture in a society, in effective organisational communication and learning, in knowledge sharing and in helping to understand a person's illness experience," said Dr Chu.

His paper analysed four local folk tales published in The Singing Top: Tales from Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei by Margaret Read MacDonald in 2008.

The four folk tales were The Dollarbid and the Short-tailed Monkey, The King of the Mosquitoes, Dayang Bongsu an...

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Comments: 0 | Views: 55Last Post by: Erle (4/5/2013, 09:54)

view post Posted on 27/6/2011, 07:34 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Magandang hapon! Good afternoon!

I just watched the recent showing of the new version of Clash of the Titans. The movie was as mind-boggling and enchanting as another film shown some couples of months back: Avatar. It is indubitably worth my watch.

Let me share some notes about both films, with the beginning words that they are among those few movies that are truly enlightening. By enlightening, I mean they transport us almost instantly to the realm of the transcendent, there to immerse a bit with our Higher Mind and the environs of the higher dimensions.

Needless to say, the film enables us to engage in deeper reflections about the meanings of the archetypal symbols shown before us. Our Higher Mind knows, for instance, that Zeus signifies the creative or ideational element in life, a meaning that our lower mind could only feebly comprehend.

The film industry is part of the culture industry, and as our noblesse thinkers of the day have shared to us—note Foucault, Habermas, Adorno, Marcuse, Said, for instance—the same industry has been instrumental as social control mechanism. Movies are not meant to enlighten, but rather intended to entertain and keep us glued within the world that is owned and controlled by few oligarchic families.

Hollywood films, being the prototype industry block, are particularly aimed at gaining profits for the film makers. They are so commercialized that they suffer content-wise. Horror movies are particularly fear-inducing and fragmentary of the psyche, intensify paranoia, and instantly add grey dense energies to our chakras or energy centers.

Enlightening films are indeed few, such as Avatar and Clash of the Titans or simply Titans. Not only do they entertain and educate, they also elevate. That effect makes them altogether contributory to the grand project of human evolutionary ascent.

There are no fixed interpretations for these films. In this current Age of Interpretation, fixed interpretations are anathema or dogmatic, and should be rejected. It is really up to the viewer (audience) to conjure reflective interpretations or conclusions about the meanings conveyed by the films.

For a social reformer, Avatar and Titans depict the epochal desire of marginal classes and sectors to demolish asymmetry in relationships and liberate the same groups from oppression.

The planetary natives in Avatar could be viewed as today’s indigenous peoples whose struggle against oppression by mainstream, urban, industrial populations was justly depicted in the film. The same natives could also mean 3rd World peoples who have been struggling against imperialism, colonialism, and fascistic domination by industrial powers.

The Titans could be viewed as olig...

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Comments: 0 | Views: 3Last Post by: Erle (27/6/2011, 07:34)

view post Posted on 26/6/2011, 07:04 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

Banal na araw! Sacred day!
One may wish to know how long will the Philippine republic last, and then reflect thereafter what is the significance of the ‘career’ of this new republic. To note, the Philippines comprises of remnant islands of ancient Lemuria, it being the Great Land (Maharloka) where the world’s greatest civilization ever was incubated and galvanized. It is the ‘womb of the Mother’, where ancient Adamic races were evolved by the spiritual Hierarchy. It housed Mt. Banahaw, the world’s solar plexus energy spot, and niche of the planetary chi for the duration of the Aquarian Age.
As a modern republic, it began only in 1898 when independence was first established. Modernity was partly to be carried on by the Americans, who introduced Anglo-Saxon culture and institutions upon their occupation of the republic in 1900. It was not till 1946, however, when the history of the Philippines as an independent state was truly experienced.
Using 1946 as the beginning of our measurement, we will assume, on the basis of accepted prognostications among Adepts of the Brotherhood, that the present history of nations will last only till the end of 2012. 2012 less 1946 yields the number 66, meaning 66 years of existence as an independent nation-state. 66 is 6 multiplied by 11. Let’s see what these numbers reveal in terms of the destiny of the nation.
• 6 is the 6th Ray of the Godhead, of which there are a total seven (7) mystical rays. 6 is the Ray of Service, the ray of servant of God and Divine Hierarchy. The conduct of service as a way to the Godhead is karma yoga. Service yoga or karma yoga is centered on the solar plexus/abdominal chakra, the center of association, of community extension and caring, of charity and philanthropy. Empowered by the heart chakra, service becomes a truly ‘service for others’. The number 6 is also found in the founding year 1946, and in the founding month of June that is the 6th month.
• 11 as a destiny number is a power number, together with 22 and 33 (also divisible by 11). 11 is the conqueror’s number, one who is bound to rise like a phoenix, or is capable of a meteoric ascent to public acclaim. It is bound to lead, and lead strongly like a conqueror. A nation with this number is destined to be a conqueror nation or a trend setter nation. It was the Philippines that set the trend for creating independent nation-states by breaking down the enchainment from colonial yokes. This country also set the trend for unifying its southeast Asian neighbors into the present ASEAN, a group of nations that is projected to turn into an economic and political union.
• Fusing 6 and 11 would yield a character of Being that is destined to lead the world’s nations in showing how colle...

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Comments: 0 | Views: 3Last Post by: Erle (26/6/2011, 07:04)

view post Posted on 25/6/2011, 07:11 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

Good day! Magandang araw!
At this moment of scribbling notes, the news of 2012 prophecy is now ringing across the globe. A movie is coming out very soon with the 2012 theme, and I could already see the deadly awesome power of this new film in case that it could make or break 3rd dimension consciousness.
So many forecasts were already done in the past regarding the post-2012 or polar shift scenario. From Blavatsky to Cayce to the present stock of spiritist mediums, information keep on being churned almost by the day regarding what happens right after 2012 to the land formations of the planet.
As far as we Adepts of the Brotherhood are concerned, our perception of the aftermath of 2012 is based on a non-deterministic model of reality. We recognize the fact that in 1974, a nodal point in the ascent of the New Age frequency wave (the New Age of Light began in 1934 yet though its wave was feeble), God Almighty began intervening directly on Earth. Thereafter, the timeline direction of the planet experienced a change.
With the Almighty’s intervention serving as a new factor (‘intervening variable’ as we scientists term it), it had turned rather toxic to forecast events like they would happen 100%. Events such as the California sinking could have happened in the 80s yet, but look at what the timeline change has shown so far. Those events of massive land mass inundations after 2012 may no longer happen at all, if we follow the logic of the new interventionism.
What we can only do now is, like what we do in the scientific disciplines, to use scenario-type methods to forecast the future. Taking this in mind, if we want to see what will happen to the ‘womb of the Mother’ (Philippines/Lemuria) comes post-2012, we can forecast scenarios using a minimax scaling (minimum-maximum). I can present most likely scenarios as follows:
• Massive flooding, as waters come rushing from both sides of the polar regions, and converge in the equator where RP (Republic of the Philippines) is situated. Most likely, the waves from the north pole (as ice caps there melt) will hit RP first, while those from the south pole (where ice caps equally melt) will hit Australia-Indonesia-New Guinea first before turning on to RP. The impact would be like that of a double whammy of tsunami waves arriving at intervals of 2-3 hours distant. The north waves would most likely be the strongest, and maybe of higher altitude. [In a vision, I saw a tsunami that dwarfed the coconut trees and the 6-8 storey condominiums in Manila’s Roxas boulevard.] The same wave patterns will circumnavigate the planet and return, though already cushioned and of lighter impact.
• 70% of the Philippine territorial land formations will instantly be flooded on the 1st wa...

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view post Posted on 24/6/2011, 06:40 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

Good evening! Magandang gabi!
As a continuation of my Philippine-Lemurian reflections, I would share at this moment a note about the deprogramming of the Aryan race. Over a century ago, the Mahatmas of the spiritual Brotherhood released information through Master Helena Blavatsky concerning the coming deprogramming of the Aryans who have degenerated into global predators of greedy oligarchs and worshippers of eater culture. The addition I would make on the Brotherhood’s race deprogramming thesis is that the Aryan race’s fate was sealed when it invaded the Philippines and enslaved its people.
Filipinas—Hispanic for Philippines—is the ‘womb of the Mother’. It was in Filipinas’ soil itself, the soil that is the uppermost region of the ancient Maharloka subcontinent of Lemurian fame, where the Adamic races first appeared. It was right here where kingship was experimented on, perfected, and disseminated to other lands via a new class fit for the divine governance: the kingly class. Right here, on these islands that remain 4th dimensional till these days, did civilization reach its nadir of development, making Lemuria or Mu the greatest civilization ever. Right here, above Philippine soil, did the Galactic Confederation forces locate the galactic hyperspace portal.
A child who is mature enough would never at all commit a terrible crime of trampling its mother’s womb, for that is tantamount to destroying the mother herself. Imagine a child, of very mature age (Aryan race is very mature a race), suddenly searches for a chain saw, and in wild frantic manner goes for his/her mother and then cuts her up, beginning with the womb area and onwards to the other pieces (Aryans have cut up peoples into border-defined nations and warring ethnicities). Such a child, for sure, is no longer human, is undergoing feats of demonic seizures, and is most likely to self-destruct in a violent manner.
In the last ages (1 age= 2,150 years approximately) of the Atlanteans, the spiritual Hierarchy saw it fit to create new races from the genetic strains of the denerate Atlanteans and then migrate them to distant lands where they can grow in numbers unhampered by the demonic aggressions of its host race. In Poseidon (main Atlantean continental land mass) did the Hierarchy, carried out by an assisting group of Confederation volunteer race (Nordics), incubate this new race. The Kelts evolved from the successful experiment, and the proto-Kelts migrated eastward to the Caucasus where they were secured against the hostile Atlanteans.
While that was happening, the Hierarchy also created a distinct experiment in the East. Carried out by the same Galactic volunteers, from the strain of the dying Lemurian generic race (roo...

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view post Posted on 23/6/2011, 07:17 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

Good evening! Magandang gabi!
For you fellows, let me share this time a note about the place of Philippine spiritual awakening in the cosmic drama. This is a destined role that many Adepts are only dimly aware of, save for those who have already worked out to burn down many veils in their specific Initiation Paths.
There is this contention shared by Philippine mystics that the Yod in the Philippine flag is the very divine beacon that reveals the special mandate from the Almighty God given to the Philippines. Within the context of the accelerating evolution of the planet, such a mandate refers to the very role that Philippine spiritual awakening would have on the spiritual awakening of the entire planet as we graduate to 4th dimension as a planet, humanity, and natural endowments base (nature beings, animals, minerals).
The Yod mystically is a portion of the longer Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH), the very name of the Almighty Creator of Creators. It is the Father aspect of the Almighty Providence, in the sequence of kabbalistic sounds so revealed. Being so, its presence in the Philippine flag, which is replete with divine revelations sublimely encoded by the Brotherhood of Light/Spiritual Hierarchy, clearly assures for the modern nation its place in the unfolding cosmic drama.
Such a role wouldn’t hold much water were the Philippines but a mere 3rd dimension enclave that is without any significant energy center worth the Brotherhood’s concern. Far from it, the Philippines remains as 4th dimensional in vibratory frequency, is the ‘womb of the Mother’ (birthplace of ancient Adamic races and greatest civilization on Earth), houses the ‘planetary chi’ (energy spot niched in Mt. Banahaw being nearest to karma yoga center, or solar plexus), and is home to the hyperspace portal linking us to the other galaxies and the Central Sun of the universe.
Within the context of such an overarching reality for the modern nation, the Yod archetype carries enormous weight and holds ocean full of waters. The archetype is the encoded message not only from the spiritual Brotherhood, it is more so a most divine message from the 24 Divine Elders and the Lord Ancient of Days. With the descent of Earth to 3rd density, the Father assured that certain spots on Earth remain 4th dimensional such as the Philippines, though the same country’s own people are mired in a collective consciousness that is 3rd density like the rest of humanity. As the Earth moves up back to 4th density, the collective and individual consciousnesses of evolved Filipinos will serve as the very core signal for the rest of the planet, inclusive of those six (6) other major energy spots and the beings benefiting from their hyper-activation.
In ...

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view post Posted on 21/6/2011, 06:51 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

I have already shared some notes before about the hyperspace portal that connects our planet to the other galaxies and star systems, and onwards to the Central Sun of our universes. As already articulated, this portal was closed in antiquity, in the aftermath of the catastrophic galactic war that overflowed to this sector of our universe, which marked a steady downward slide of Terrans into the hovels of 3rd Density life.
Likewise did I share notes about the reopening of the same portal—by the Galactic Confederation forces—as the Earth’s vibration rapidly moves back to 4th Dimension. As per my vision last year, the portal was already reopened. The portal, as we know among circles of Filipino mystics, is located in the Philippines, a 4th Dimensional country, approximately above the borders of the Philippine plate and the Sunda plate (above Palawan island).
The Philippines being the remnant of Lemuria, it embodies the very same mystical significance of the mother continent. Its ancient name was Maharloka, the Great Land, and it was the very center of life in the whole of Lemuria. It is no exaggeration to state that Maharloka was the flagship civilization that enabled Lemuria to reach its zenith as the world’s greatest civilization ever. Now that the planet is moving back to 4th Dimension frequency, the Philippines is regaining its significance in the cosmic drama currently unfolding, being the ‘womb of the Mother’ where the ‘galactic umbilical cord—hyperspace portal—Is located.
That the same portal is located in the Philippines (Maharloka), which retained its 4th Dimensional vibration despite a 3rd Dimensionality of its base planet, makes the ‘womb of the Mother’ even more emphatic in fact. Not only is the Earth as ‘child of the Universe of the Almighty’, linked to the Central Sun via a major portal, the same Earth has grown to be a Mother whose womb is Maharloka/ Philippines, and as such reproduces the same nurturing nature of the Divine Mother or Cosmic Mother.
Thus, without question, the Oneness between Maharloka/Philippines and Gaia, the Deity whose body the Earth is, is established, determinate, immutable. This Philippines that we know today, of which I am a scion, is just but a passing phase of an overarching reality—the womb of the Mother—that is immutable. As far as the Almighty Providence, the Creator of all Creators is concerned, the Mother role has been assigned to this part of the planet.
Being so mandated, the umbilical cord to the universes’ or omniverse’s Central Sun is likewise assigned to the area or region, this being a privilege of a planetary womb. A planetary womb is the place where the initial races are experimented on, the prototype or genotype breeds then launched...

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view post Posted on 20/6/2011, 06:55 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

Good morning! Magandang umaga!
Let me continue with my peregrinations on the spiritual Brotherhood in Philippine life. I’ve already shared notes about the spiritual Brotherhood in the history and making of the Philippines, from its Lemurian days to the formation of the new nation (1880s-1900). I will delimit my reflection this time on the contemporary context, particularly the years 1974 to the present.
Filipinos who seek the yogic or mystic Path have been accustomed to stereotyping gurus as coming from India or the continent. Till these days the same imagery remains; fellow Filipinos couldn’t ever imagine that spiritual gurus have embodied in the islands as Filipinos and are now ascending in awareness to Master- or Rishi-level.
I myself grew up as one such boy then, who in the 1960s saw images of the Maharishi being exalted by the Beatles. As an adolescent in the 1970s, the beginnings of my seeker phase, I aspired to meet a guru, who I presumed resides in India. I surely admit to my gross ignorance, even as I am unaware that divine Forces have been working all along to make sure that I myself will mutate into a guru some day. Lacking the resources to travel to the continent for an audience with living gurus, I contented myself in the 1980s with massive readings and yoga meditation which essentials I learned from a university professor. When I had time, I attended discussions of the theosophists in Manila, while I held informal discussions with fellow Travelers (we were unattached or free spirit seekers).
Only in 1994, when I was sponsored into the White Lodge, initiated by a living guru who is Filipino, did I realize my fundamental ignorance. The chats I had with the Guru FF (he hasn’t authorized me to reveal his identity) made me infer that the Brotherhood embodied many Adepts in the Philippines, for a greater purpose. On that year alone (1994), couples of hundreds of us advanced seekers graduated into mystics, were blessed by the Ancient of Days, and became Adepts of the Brotherhood. Some of our batch-mates took on the mission of guruship, myself included, coupled with other missions such as healing and/or community service.
Through our discussions in my core batch, it dawned upon me that we were a part of a greater force comprising of 144,000, the number revealed to ancient prophets yet. The coming of the White Robes, or Rishis, or Ascended Beings, or simply White Adepts, was told over and over again in the spiritual quarters of diverse cultures, in all of the world’s continents. The coming of the ‘taong banal’ (holy people) is the version told that came down on cult groups around Filipinas.
It was also intuited by each one of us, during our workshop discussions, that when a seeke...

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view post Posted on 20/6/2011, 06:53 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra

Last June the 12th of 2008, the Philippines or Filipinas celebrated its 110th year upon its founding in 1898. Just exactly how many people in the islands and the planet are aware of the significance of that 110 period ending in 2008, from a mystic vantage point, is a point to ponder upon.
The Philippines is the Land of the Mother, the very subcontinent Maharloka of ancient Mu that was the very center of kingship and cultural life of antiquity. Though the subcontinent is now largely submerged, the remnant islands—Philippines—remain to serve as a sublime beacon for many events yet to come in the future. It remains to be 4th Dimensional despite the decadent degeneration to 3rd Dimension of the entire planet. It is the Mother’s womb, and being so, the Spiritual Hierarchy also has in its agenda the re-ascent to full power and control over the islands in the distant future.
Around the 1880s the islands suddenly burst with new life as patriots of youthful zest began clamoring for independence from Spain, its then colonial master. Among them was Dr. Jose Rizal, an evolved soul who, along with an entourage of evolved souls, were tasked to accelerate the process of re-awakening of the Lemurian spiritual Force and create a new nation. It was to be Asia’s first modern nation-state, a dream that came to reality in 1898 when revolutionary forces formally declared an independent state.
Their minds vibrating in so feeble a manner like any 3rd Dimension being, the leaders of the new state never realized the full import of the divine revelations imprinted in the flag so adapted for its founding day (12th of June). Almost all the important archetypal emblems of the spiritual Brotherhood are in that new flag, thanks to the freemasonic background of the state leaders whose esoteric frequencies was a reason for the Brotherhood’s message-sending through that flag.
Right on that flag is the very revelation of a period of 110 years that will come to pass before another crucial event will come to pass in the islands: the opening of the hyperspace galactic portal. The same portal was closed in the very ancient past by diverse galactic forces, to make sure that the planet won’t be a playground of its perceived opponents. Some day in the future, the portal will be reopened again, to jibe with the mutation of Earth back to 4th Dimension. Per my visions in late 2008, the portal was re-opened in the last quarter of that year, which thus permits Galactic Confederation Forces’ contingents to travel to Earth through hyperspace, thus cutting short the time it needs to traverse the distance from their point of origin. As we Filipino mystics know all along, the portal is in the Land of the Mother: Maharloka or today’s Filip...

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