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view post Posted on 17/5/2011, 00:49 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Here comes the Aquarian Age! Welcome the post-Piscean Age! Hail the Post-Church Era!
Planet Earth is now at the ascending arc of her evolution. Ascension holds true for humanity, whose evolution in the dense spheres is now ending and the entry to the higher dimensions accelerating. It takes 555 million years for the entire human race to devolve & evolve—to devolve into the dense spheres, and go back to the divine spheres as evolved beings. The midpoint of the 555-million year period was reached on the 21st of September of 1934 yet (see revelations of Guru Roerick, Guru R.K.K)
The ascendant route in our evolution is now way up since 1934. So cheer up, Noble Seekers! This route will see the emergence of greater individuation in the human psyche, a development that was anticipated many decades ago by the H.P. Blvavatsky, Carl Jung and Tailhard De Chardin. As mankind individuates all the more, so will the bond with the collective mind get fractured. All those institutions that sought to control humans and reduced them to automatons that lack autonomy are now crumbling. That includes Religion with the capital R.
Institutional behavior is largely effective for those with the strongest ‘herd instinct’, even as it harnesses the folk spirit or folkgeist to secure individual loyalty to society and institutions. For the highly individuated souls, institutional behavior or mass behavior is sickening and misplaced, and will seek every way to express their autonomy as ‘free spirits’ rather than dance to the sway of the folkgeist. Those high risk takers will not take second thoughts in leaving their churches, peers, kinship circles, old neighborhoods if to prove the toxic nuisance of the old ways and the highest value of their freedoms.
Sadly for the devotees, religions will end in violent upheavals over the next few decades. In many European countries, the church-going impulse had died, many have left their churches and are seeking new modalities of adaptation that will see the greater expression of individuality and autonomy. Many of the Europeans have fallen into the atheistic path, but many are Seekers who aspire for alternative spiritual programs that are of the individualized platforms rather than institutional (churchly) types.

One must understand that Europe had enormous traumas with religious life, passed through many Dark Ages that were reinforced by religious precepts, and went through bloody genocides and wars due to religion. And so, when the most open society—the postmodern society with a post-industrial economy—began galvanizing in their countries, Europeans at last found the environment they needed to throw away the garbage institutions that have enchained their souls for centuries and millennia.
Institutions are crumbling. The postmodern thinkers have already pronounced the ‘implosion of the social’, the ‘end of meta-narratives’ and ‘rise of micro-narratives’, the ‘e...

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view post Posted on 17/5/2011, 00:47 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Seekers, freethinkers, all you potential Lightworkers, seek ye the Light of the Transcendent! Seek for it everywhere, but of all spaces, please search for it in your inner space. For within you resides your true self, your Higher Self, waiting for you to unite with it in the most sublime union you’d ever experience.
Being thus united with your Higher Self, thou will thenceforth be merged with your God-Self, nay merged with God Almighty in Shis (his/her) resplendent glory. Thus, seek ye this Path towards your self-realization, your mutation from a rough mineral material into the finest piece of jewelry, your path towards God Realization.
To clarify first of all: Who’s a Seeker? Isn’t anybody who believes in God or the transcendent realm a Seeker? Doesn’t the Hallelujah God crowd constitute the seekers that we Lightworker mystics speak of?
Fellows on Earth, if you delimit your actions to blind faith, blind obedience to dogma presented by your patriarchs, bishops and priests, and most specially if you like unto the great mass of herds couldn’t conceive of salvation without being pushed into such an option by Fear Complex, than you are no Seeker but a mere Believer or Devotee. Devotees are better served by their institutional masters, for they couldn’t conceive of attaining the Path beyond institutional means, beyond attunements to mass consciousness or ‘herd instinct’ (to echo Nietszche).
Anybody who aspires to the transcendent height by individual attainment, by going beyond dogma, by boldly searching for higher knowledge through a combination of methods, by synthesizing philosophy, science and the arts toward a higher form of self-understanding and knowledge of the higher realms, and by a further synthesis of material science and spiritual science towards self-attainment, is a noble and true Seeker.
Using Jung’s thought constructs, the one who attains the highest expanse of individuation, the one who is able to detach from mass consciousness and rise above the constrictions of the latter, and therefore the one who is open to experiment on a diversity of methods and absorption of teachings from various teachers, is a Seeker.
We can formulate the evolutionary trajectory thus: one manifests in primordial antiquity as a Devotee (all were born believers), who then evolves into a Seeker through many sojourns in the dense spheres, and then attains a heightened awareness characteristic of a Mystic, and then graduates to Master level (master of wisdom), and then moves on to become an Ascended Master or Christed One, until finally one becomes an Avatar or God-incarnate. To simplified model is shown below:
DevoteeŕSeekerŕMysticŕMasterŕAscended MasterŕAvatar
What a long, arduous sojourn, one may quip. Indeed, too long a soul evolutionary process, but optimistically doable. The Gautama Buddha is among the exemplars of those who proved the possibility of attaining the highest level of awakenings as a mat...

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view post Posted on 17/5/2011, 00:45 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne Argonza

Bury all bishops & priests! The Free Spirit Rises!
In a previous issue, this free spirit Bro. Erle wrote about Love among free spirits. That must have shocked the unprepared, uninitiated Mainstreamer no end.
The Mainstreamer has been the preserver of Dogma in all forms, whether in material life or in Spirit. The Mainstreamer makes all behavior institutional, including those of spirit.
To the Mainstreamer, no Love can be bridged outside Dating, Courtship, Marriage. No Spirit realm reached outside Church. No political life made meaningful outside emotionalisms and mass ideologisms. Ad nauseum!
Religion is the Realm of the Herd Man!
The Herd Mind is the dominant mind among Mainstreamers. For them, you need to be among this group or that group, never rising above the group. Groupthink is precisely the mindset of the Herd Mind. With groupthink, everyone else is subject to manipulation and control by Pied Pipers.
Those pied pipers with documents called Bachelor of Divinities (i.e. priests) and their shoe wipers (nuns, brothers, monks, ministers) are the most marked of all deceivers, come to think of it.
They’d keep on peddling worn out propaganda that “there is no salvation outside the church.” Meaning, only thru the institutional path (church) can one reach heaven. The question is, which one among these churches offers the only correct path?
To the freethinker, institutional path is a dark path. The freethinker is attuned to the Individuated Mind, and is a Free Spirit in the conduct of life. The freethinker is not a mere Believer but is foremost of all, a Seeker. The freethinker approaches problems of spiritual illumination through individualized lessons. By that we mean the lessons are customized for the individual, based on shis (his/her) temperament, soul type (1st to 7th ray), personality, and unique traits.
That’s the problem, folks: the Churches just can’t accept that there are freethinkers around. In the ancient worlds the Churches called us freethinkers ‘heretics’ and massacred our communities by the millions. Today when religious fundamentalism is rising, the crusading attitude is back among the Mainstreamers and their Pied Pipers: kill darn heretics and infidels by the millions! Burn them at stake!
There are many Paths to Salvation!
There are many roads leading to MetroManila from outside. Yes fellows, that’s the truth of it all. Same holds true for the Spirit world: no one single path can claim an exclusive franchise to reaching the spiritual dimensions. Only Dogma or ‘dog ma’ bow-wow-wow claims so. See that? A-woooooh!
A Chinese sage once said that Truth is like unto a single mirror. Tragedy struck however when the mirror fell. One religion got a piece of the mirror, another religion got another piece, and so on. The question is, which religion can represent Truth in its entirety?
The Catholic Church is lucky enough to have re-invented its...

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Comments: 0 | Views: 20Last Post by: Erle (17/5/2011, 00:45)

view post Posted on 16/5/2011, 13:35 by: ErleReply
Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Good day to all you freethinkers or Seekers of knowledge, truth, wisdom!
It is now a time for a gathering, Dear Ones, as the Earth proceeds through the new phase in its history. A New Consciousness—by a New Humanity, in a New Earth—is rapidly arising. We are fast proceeding through what Tailhard De Chardin referred to as the ‘noosphere’, the sphere of higher knowledge and awareness. The long phase of fixation to the biosphere is now fading fast from the historical canvass, as the noosphere arises in a meteoric ascent to glory. In this new phase arising, the ‘Christ Consciousness’ will become the dominant organizing force behind everything else, knowledge included.
The days of Dogma, bigotry, intolerance over differences, fixed ideas, dualism, and all those thought constructs that have stifled the evolution of humanity to higher climes, are over. But the defenders of these Ideas of the Old World, Old Humanity, Old Earth, are reacting violently and have no desire to see a New World which will see their privilege to dominate and manipulate humans fade away, for it is through such encumbrances that these power elites have enriched themselves at the expense of the great mass that they have rendered effectively inutile and subhuman.
Let us all assert our greater humanity, precisely through an increased power of transcendent values in our conscience and behavior, an intensification of Oneness in all spheres of life, a movement towards higher reason, enlightened intuition, operative compassion. By so doing you shall all experience in your daily lives the true meaning of mutual respect, the substance of authentic liberation. Of course, we shall all be co-inheritors of the Earth and its beneficent resources, thus mutually enriching our inner lives with the infinite resources of the planet and the universe.
Be bold and daring. The sooner that you leave the cocoon of the Old World in haste, the better will life be for you. No matter what pains this process may bring, dare to face the storms and pangs of the process. You may lose friends, relatives, church, residential niches, crafts and professions as you move on towards a new Path, and this, I’d truly say, is a natural, normal process in the birthing of any new life. Have the courage to face them all, the strength to weather deceitful attacks against your person by the demonic tongues of those born and grown up in the ways of the Old World.
Fear not, Noble Seekers, for it is you who will be the true inheritors of the New Earth, and you will be the prototype of the seed of the New Humanity. Those manipulators and defenders of the old life are the ones whose battles are uphill, and they feel defeat every day and year in their lives. Do not make efforts to make war against those who are now losing, but rather extend your olive arms unto them, build goodwill no matter what animosities and hostilities they unabashedly e...

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